Most anti-aging facial injections have to be maintained after desired results have been achieved to keep that youthful look. Some injections last four to six months, while newer ones can last up to two years. Maintenance may only be one injection every few months, but results are not permanent. Wrinkles, sagging eyelids, and frown lines at the eyebrows will eventually return.
Kybella® is an injectable Double Chin Treatment that permanently destroys fat cells in a matter of two to six injections given at monthly intervals. This injection does not fill lines or add collagen, it actually targets and breaks down fat cells in the area directly below the chin. Once fat cells are destroyed, they are not duplicated in the body. After desired results are reached, there will be no other injections needed.
The Injectable Chin Treatment is comprised of a synthetic acid that mimics a natural acid already found in the body. That acid breaks down fat cells over time and the immune system flushes them out of the body. Kybella works gradually so results appear natural. Most people will not even notice the progression, they only notice a firmer and younger looking profile. This minimally invasive treatment is only available by prescription so a consultation appointment with a medical professional is needed prior to having Kybella injected into the skin. It is important to mention any medications taken and allergies experienced, if any. Be honest about any previous injections or surgeries to the face or neck. Lack of accuracy may have consequences in the form of allergic reactions or rare but serious side effects.
There may be swelling or bruising at the injection site, and slight discomfort has been reported by some patients. Redness and tenderness are also a possibility, but common side effects will last from just a few hours. There is no down time needed so patients can resume regular activities immediately after treatment. The injections are more cost-effective than traditional surgery procedures available to get rid of a double chin. The risks are much less than surgical risks, and patients do not have to spend a week or two recovering. Contact Sparsh Clinic to speak to one of our medical professionals to explain more of the results you can achieve with Kybella.